Keltainen talo / The Yellow House [FIN/ENG]
Yksi ensimmäisistä kohteista, joka käytiin kuvaamassa, oli keltainen, jo silloin huonossa kunnossa ollut, hylätty talo. Talon sijainti on yleisesti tiedossa paikkakunnalla, joten ilmassa oli pientä jännitystä uskaltaisimmeko mennä perille ja kuvata. Sillä hetkellä hyvinkin kokematon harrastaja mietti pitkään, miten toteuttaisi tämän retken. Uskaltaisiko kuvata läheltä, entä onko mahdollista mennä sisälle, entäs jos joku tulee paikalle. Nämä asiat olivat silloin ensimmäisenä mielessä. Mutta jostainhan se on aloitettava ja niinpä lähdimme matkaan.
One of the first locations we ever took photos of was a yellow house that was already in a bad shape. The location of the house is in public knowledge in the locality, so we were slightly uncertain whether we had enough courage to go there and take pictures. At that moment we, as every inexperienced explorers, had a long think about how to execute this trip. Did we dare take pictures very close up, is it possible to go inside, what if someone comes there? These things were the first ones on our minds. But you have to start somewhere, and so we set off.
One of the first locations we ever took photos of was a yellow house that was already in a bad shape. The location of the house is in public knowledge in the locality, so we were slightly uncertain whether we had enough courage to go there and take pictures. At that moment we, as every inexperienced explorers, had a long think about how to execute this trip. Did we dare take pictures very close up, is it possible to go inside, what if someone comes there? These things were the first ones on our minds. But you have to start somewhere, and so we set off.
Useamman vuoden jo tyhjillään ollut talo oli vuosien mittaan ollut useammankin perheen/asukkaan kotina. Viimeisten asukkaiden lähdettyä oli kasvillisuus (puut, pensaat, ruoho) vallanneet hyvinkin voimakkaasti pihapiirin. Ulkopuolelta ei enää pystynyt sanomaan, oliko pihapiirissä mahdollisesti ollut kasvimaata tai jonkinlaista puutarhaa. Yksi alakerran ikkunoista oli rikki, joten siitä oli mahdollista ottaa sisäkuvia. Ihan varsinaisesti sisälle emme uskaltaneet mennä, vielä tässä vaiheessa ei ollut tarpeeksi rohkeutta.
The house had been empty for many years and had inhabited many families and tenants during the years. After the last inhabitants left, the vegetation had taken over the yard with trees, bushes and grass growing wildly. It was impossible to tell from the outside whether there had been a garden or a vegetable garden at some point. One of the downstairs windows was broken, which made it possible to take pictures from the inside. At this point we didn't have enough courage to go properly inside.
Ulkorakennuskin oli jo parhaat päivänsä nähnyt. Eipä ollut enää pitkään aikaan saunan savupiipusta savu noussut ja saunan lämpö hellinyt saunojia.
This outbuilding's glory days had already passed. It's been a long time since any smoke has risen from the chimney and since people have enjoyed the warmth of the sauna.
This outbuilding's glory days had already passed. It's been a long time since any smoke has risen from the chimney and since people have enjoyed the warmth of the sauna.
Pihapiirin reunasta, isojen kuusten alta löytyi koirankoppi. Monenkohan koiran kotina sekin oli ollut?
Loppujen lopuksi retkestä tuli onnistunut ja kuvistakin tuli hyviä. Alun jännitys muuttui uteliaisuudeksi ja innoksi. Alueen tutkiminen oli todella mielenkiintoista, joten tätä harrastusta jatkaisimme varmasti ja niin olemme tehneetkin.
At the edge of the yard, underneath large spruces, there was a doghouse. How many dogs have thought of that as their home? At the end of it all, the trip was a success and the pictures turned out well. The nervousness of the beginning turned into curiosity and excitement. Exploring the area was really interesting, so we were certain that we would continue to do so, as we have.
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