Urbaani löytöretkeily [FIN/ENG]
Urbaani löytöretkeily eli urbex on hylättyjen, autioiden kohteiden etsimistä ja valokuvaamista. Yleisimmät kohteet ovat autiotalot, hylätyt tehtaat, myllyt, autot jne. Urbaani löytöretkeilijä ei tuhoa paikkoja, maalaa graffiteja tms. Mottona onkin: Ota vain valokuvia, jätä vain jalanjälkiä.
Lue lisää: Urbanex Ninja, Ruosteinen, Wikipedia
Urban exploring, also known as urbex, means exploring and photographing abandoned buildings. Most common locations include abandoned houses, factories, mills, vehicles etc. Urban explorers don't destroy anything or tag the walls and the ''official motto'' goes: Take only pictures, leave only footprints.
Read more: Wikipedia, Forbidden-Places
Lue lisää: Urbanex Ninja, Ruosteinen, Wikipedia
Urban exploring, also known as urbex, means exploring and photographing abandoned buildings. Most common locations include abandoned houses, factories, mills, vehicles etc. Urban explorers don't destroy anything or tag the walls and the ''official motto'' goes: Take only pictures, leave only footprints.
Read more: Wikipedia, Forbidden-Places
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